Saturday, February 18, 2006

Warning: Sentimental

T-Minus 5 Minutes and counting until I leave to go skiing. I just felt like updating before I left. I guess it's not really an update per se, but I've been thinking about things. I miss a lot of things I used to do, and thinking about them makes me really melancholy. I miss hanging out until the sun would come up just because. I miss not having anything to do and then taking drives to Philly or North Jersey. I especially miss drives around stow creek and the areas of pitts grove that I'll never be able to navigate without getting lost or heading towards a nuclear testing zone. I miss laughing until my sides hurt and my eyes water and I can't breathe. I miss late night drive punk-rock sing-alongs. I miss fighting. I suppose I should stop dwelling in the past and try to be happy with the present or look to the future for better things, but these things are always on my mind because I had such a great time doing all of them... Now that I'm bummed out, I'm gonna go to Ryan's and get going to the mountains. Take care, until Monday.


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