Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Let's go down in history...

The second hand smoke is still stuck to my tongue like dried grease on a frying pan.

Today was my friday at work, I'm off for three days to make it a five day weekend. I'll be putting it to good use, plenty of time to spend on the beach. This week has been bittersweet. So many ups and downs. I feel like a ghost in the walls just sitting back and watching this all happen. I'm not happy with everything that's going on, but I try to focus on the good stuff rather than the bad. I've spent too much time focusing on the bad parts of life.

"...and when each day is the same as the next, it's because people fail to recognize the good things that happen in their lives every day that the sun rises." - The Alchemist

Losing friends is like having phantom limbs. You always have the memory of that person and when you laugh at a joke you both laughed at a million times, you almost have to look around to see if they're somewhere laughing with you. It's like they're right there when you need advice because even though you can't hear them, you know what they would say. Unfortunately, they haven't perfected prosthetic friends just yet, so no hopes for that operation. Maybe with some therapy...

I'll be absent from here for a few days, unless by some chance I find an internet cafe or buy a Sidekick. Don't worry though, I'll return with plenty of words to fill the void.

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