Saturday, March 18, 2006

Poker update

That's basically what this is.. and update about how we've played a lot of poker. Since Sunday night I think we played 5 times. Yep, every night except last night. That's what we've been doing. Dave, Cory, Terry and I went to the casino Tuesday night. We used up the remaining free wings tickets for Hooters and then went off to try and win. I lost about $60 on roulette and saved my last $20 for slots. I ended up hitting a couple times and breaking even. I went on to drop 20 of it on more slots and roulette, but I played for a long time and only came home 20 dollars lighter, that's pretty good. Actually, I think we all did ok winning back most of our money. Maureen and I have hung out a couple times this week, but I don't really want to get into personal stuff on here, so I'll just leave it at that. We watched a lot of National Geographic or Science Channel programming, that's all I know. I wish I had those channels, there's so many interesting things I'd like to watch. Last night was St. Patrick's Day, which I celebrated by doing two caramel apple shots with dave at his house. That was the extent of my Irish holiday celebration. Diana and I went to Philly and got lost for a little while trying to find Penn's Landing. We finally located it and parked to walk around. It was freezing by the water, so we walked up to South Street. Nothing new there, but I got a slice from Lorenzo's. Actually that's not true, Mako's got a makeover and has glass windowfronts now with doors. That place should be awesome in the summer when they open them up. We left Philly after a while and went up to Liberty State Park, which unfortunately was closed, so we just saw the city and the statue from the car and drove off. To make up for the disappointing trip there, I took the Parkway and stopped off in Leonardo at the Quick Stop from Clerks, as you can see above. Diana was surprised, if nothing else, she hardly recognized it. The first time I went there it did surprise me about how different it was from what it seemed in the movie. On that note, I'm looking forward to Clerks II, even though it doesn't take place at the Quick Stop, I'm sure it will be good. Anyway, after that we went home and went to bed since it was late, but we had an awesome time, getting there was about 9/10ths the fun. I haven't really done anything today, I got some lunchmeat and rolls from Wawa, had a sub and finished watching The Village. Maybe I'll have something else exciting to write soon, maybe not. Until then.. so long.

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