Sunday, March 12, 2006

I'm going to hell for this one..

I'm pretty drunk still. We had dave's birthday party tonight at his house, it started off really slow, but built into a pretty good poker tournament. Matty J stopped by for a while. We played beer pong for a while, doing a lot of shots in between games, thanks Dave. I had a good time, I won 2 dollars in poker somehow, I was pretty damn drunk when we started. Now I'm home, not that tired and listening to the new NOFX ep. We had fun tonight, thats all that matters, tomorrow I'm hoping we can play some home run derby if it's nice out. I really don't know what to say. I'm not thinking about anything really except that it's 4am and this CD is pretty good. This summer needs to be a lot of fun, so anyone who wants to play sports of any kind let me know, cuz it needs to be done. I'm gonna go watch tv till I'm too tired, so g'night everybody.

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