Thursday, March 02, 2006

Idiot son of an asshole

Can someone tell me again why anyone would re-elect George W. Bush? Besides the fact that so many people in the country are completely ignorant to anything that's not on MTV or the latest new way to send text messages. We just keep letting this guy get away with murder, literally. Hurricane Katrina, act of "God" or nature right? This part is true, Bush didn't create the hurricane, but he may as well have considering the fact that he did nothing to warn or save the people of Louisiana. The video came out yesterday of warnings to the President several days before the hurricane made landfall. All the disaster experts, FEMA people, and hurricane experts were saying "This will be a hurricane of epic proportions, it will be in the top 10 or 15 worst hurricanes recorded in the US, people should evacuate and be prepared." This was several days before the hurricane hit land, so there was plenty of time to flee the state. After receiving this warning, however, our so-called "leader" got up and delivered the statement that was very confident that everything would be okay. He was warned before it happened also, that THIS HURRICANE HAS THE POTENTIAL TO BREAK LEVEES IN NEW ORLEANS!!! After the hurricane had wreaked havoc on the city and state, Bush obviously got up and gave another statement, including this message: "I don't think anyone knew this would have the capacity to break levees." Unbelievable that we will impeach a president for cheating on his wife and lying about it, although that hurt noone besides the First Lady's feelings, yet we will let this piece of shit millionaire daddy's boy hypocrite kill all the Americans he can in an 8-year term. And after all the devastation, it was said they didn't realize the severity of the storm because of the "fog of war." So Bush starts a senseless war because he's bored and wants to make good with daddy, then when a real emergency happens, he uses his war that's already killed a thousand Americans to excuse him from blame of the deaths of thousands more on our own soil that could have been prevented easily??? Why is this man running our country? I would say it's time to take this guy out, but twizzler dick Cheney wouldn't be any better, he's already shot one man in the face, I'm sure he's just waiting to stab us in the back.

Fuck the government

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