Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I just wanna break you down so badly..

Who's the author to my story?
I've got some creative suggestions for him.
I don't like the plot twists.
And I could do without the character assassinations.
So- Letter to the Editor: You're not gonna sell many copies of this one.

Some things make you wonder why you ever cared about anything.
Why expend the effort if you just end up hurt?
Sure, there's some lucky instances where there's a happy ending.
More often than not, though, the hero doesn't get the girl and you don't ever walk off into the sunset or fly in front of the moon on a mythical creature.
The hero dies in this one.
There is no sunset.
The only mythical creatures around here are true friends.. heard of them, but haven't spotted one yet.

Wasted energy wondering.
Concern for a stranger, it seems.
I should have been concerned for my own health.
I'm pretty sure my labwork will come back positive.
Results: Already dead or fading fast.

"You're what makes New England so great."
Hey, at least you're not dead.
Gotta give props on the timing, though.

Lower the flag to half-staff, my soul was killed in the line of duty. dm.

"So it's sad this doesn't suit you now.. and me fresh out of rope... So take me and break me, make me strong like you..."

1 comment:

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