Monday, May 08, 2006


Both days of the Bamboozle were awesome. So many good bands played and just being there was fun. There was a slut light post that all the girls had to hang around all day. And some guy even climbed it tonight. After the show last night, we got pizza and beer. I ate a little and drank the same. We were beat last night, as we are tonight. We were up to see the sunrise this morning at least.. The pizza went to waste, but the beer did not. We drank up the remaining 9 before we walked over to the show this morning.. ok, this afternoon. It was only a three day weekend, but we did so much stuff it seemed to last a long time. I miss it already. The drive home was okay til we got to 55, then I started drifting off and Diana was already out, but clearly, I made it home. I really should be going to sleep now. I'll put pictures up tomorrow.

Is there a Hampton Inn around here?

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