Friday, May 26, 2006

Under Construction

Turn off the lights that are flooding the hallways of truth.
I always feel better when I'm in the dark.

This ballgame might go into overtime.
The game is on the line, but I'm second string.
Not a very good chance I'll be called to the field.
But I can't just sit on my hands on the bench, I want in.
I might have to sit a few plays out, but I'll be on the line before the night is over.

I'm never even tired at 1AM anymore. Not that I'd be able to sleep if I just tried to go to bed anyway.

Too many thoughts crowding my brain.
Making the commute to my heart and it's already rush hour there.
Thinking about opening a new tunnel at my wrist to relieve some of the congestion.
Avoid this highway at all costs.

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