Sunday, April 30, 2006

Mid-day sunrise

Time: 12:45pm (but morning to me cuz I woke up an hour ago)

I feel like a tree in the fall; all my leaves are falling off, one by one. Soon, you won't even recognize me. dm.

I'm lost. I'm content. I'm confused. I'm happy. I'm uncomfortable. I'm complacent. I'm unwanted. I'm relieved. I'm losing the fight. I'm losing the war. I'm constantly concerned. I look on the bright side, but all I see is darkness. I'm too dramatic. I'm too emo(?). I'm indecisive (and indecision is worse than the wrong decision sometimes.)

What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger. Right?
Well, I feel like I've been close to death a few times and I'm still weak.

Don't believe what you've heard.
Believe what you see. And what you experience. What you feel.

I'm up in arms.
I'm laying down my guns.
Take me without a fight.
But take me now.

I had the weirdest dream.. hard to explain on here. It involved about everyone I know. I was taking care of a kid, who I ended up losing at one point. I was fishing and I caught a fish really quickly, but it wouldn't stay on my line when I had it almost reeled in. And I kept getting my line tangled with another guy that was fishing. Then we were in front of a big building, I had lost the kid, when Travis came running out from behind a car and told me he took my car with the kid in it but he doesn't have it anymore. Then Dave drives up in a van and tells Travis and Diana to get in, but there's no room for me. When I look in the back window I see the kid, so I jump in and tell Dave if the kid is hurt I'll strangle him. So I was sitting in the back and Diana was laying across Cory and Dave in the front seats. Then she comes running to the back and yelling at me (I'm not sure why.) This is when I notice Renea has her arm around me holding my hand, so I let go and grab the kid. After this part, Dave, Travis and I are next to a train. We're trying to figure out how to move it down the tracks. We talk it out and decide Travis should drive it. The next thing I know, I'm holding on to the front of the train and it's moving pretty fast. I hear Dave say he trusts Travis to drive it, and I tell him to slow down so I can jump off. I do and the train speeds away from me. That's it.

I'm all for dream metaphors and your subconscious making up things in dream form that have to do with what's going on in your life. I mean, some of it I can figure out, it all kinda makes sense, except for that train part. I don't know, I just felt like writing it out before I forgot it.

Rock on.

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