I feel contradictory like that.
It's strange because I'm happy, but not happy with who I am.
I could be more, but I don't feel like I have the motivation.
I wish I was one of the people that suceed despite the odds.
I feel like I use my disadvantages as an excuse. I don't want to.
Coming to this realization should allow me to overcome it, right?
I want to get past my fear of failure, or whatever this is.
I need someone to help me, push me past it.
I need somebody to kick me when I'm down and won't get up.
I don't know if this is the same for anyone else, but when I clean my room, or any room for that matter, I always tend to get stuck at one area. Like if I start out straightening up my desk, I'll be completely focused on that desk trying to make it perfect, losing focus on the big picture of just getting the room clean. I feel like that applies to my life, too. I'll get completely focused on one thing, and let everything else fall by the wayside. While I nurture this one crop and watch it flourish, the rest of my plants are dying without water. I just need to reach a medium where I can focus on several things and give them all appropriate attention. Would anyone like to help?
I'll keep pulling at this thread until it unravels like a thought in my head.
do you really think you're powerless? do you think that now that you've realized those things it will be easier to change them?
Im here, Ill I have is here to give, its not much. But its yours....please let me help. I care more then you think.
>>Chekered is the way to go!
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